Miscallaneous programs

This Psion archive is maintained by lmjm@doc.ic.ac.uk

Parent Directory

accts3.zip    94/06/10 (102949) S3A Bank Account Manager (Shareware)
bank.zip      92/06/08 (5650)  Handle your bank accounts.
banks3a.zip   94/11/06 (82557) S3A personal accounts program.
barcodes.zip  94/02/10 (13818) Barcode generator for S3a
beamv1.zip    94/08/20 (6964)  S3A Lets two S3a's talk by beeping.
beepoff2.opl  94/08/25 (3686)  Beep before shutting down (src).
bio3.opl      93/03/30 (3266)  Biorhythms printer.
biogrf.zip    94/01/21 (3104)  Biorhythms printer.
bistro3p.opl  92/06/08 (2048)  Calculate bistro bills.
conv12.zip    93/10/12 (15850) Currency conversion system (Shareware).
convert.zip   92/06/08 (6691)  Units conversions (Shareware).
conver.zip    94/01/21 (2216)  Units conversions.
cvrtv2.zip    94/11/19 (5530)  General conversions program.
curcon.tar.gz 94/07/15 (2612)  Currency convertor (src).
cword.zip     94/08/20 (3439)  S3A Macros to count highlit words etc
elements.zip  94/03/18 (33814) S3A Displays the periodic table of the elements.
country.zip   93/05/19 (8866)  Make easy numeric comparisons between countries.
flyut3.zip    94/01/16 (9877)  Series of utilities for pilots. *** Has been removed because defect
font137.zip   94/10/15 (21873) S3A full featured font editor, v1.37.
gplot.zip     94/02/10 (13697) S3 Graph plotting (Share).
gplota.zip    94/06/01 (23965) S3 Graph plotting (Share).
jaicnv10.zip  94/08/26 (49260) S3A General conversion calculator.
julia.zip     94/02/10 (1543)  S3A Julia set generator.
kall610.zip   94/06/01 (8104)  S3/S3A Telephone call coster for the UK
kmac091.zip   94/08/20 (40591) S3A Keyboard macro record/playback
kmac091s.zip  94/08/20 (14309) S3A Source of KMAC.APP (C)
lpc091s.zip   94/08/20 (9449)  S3A Source of LPC.DYL (used by KMAC)
makeals.zip   94/08/25 (19337) S3A Make ALS files.
mapp18.zip    94/12/12 (78761) Map of GB - plus useful local and distance info between towns,
moc20.zip     94/01/11 (46982) S3A Master of Ceremonies organiser and cue card (Shareware).
morsev2a.zip  94/12/08 (8541)  Hone your morse code skills.
notetest.zip  94/08/18 (4728)  Utility for learning the music notes in bass and treble clefs.
out119b.zip   94/08/23 (25745) Outline editor (Shareware).
panic.zip     94/06/01 (16774) S3A Says Don't Panic and plays tune on turning on Psion.
p_time.zip    94/06/01 (3159)  Calculates how you spend time on your psion.
petrol.zip    93/04/29 (12595) Tracks petrol usage and fule consumption with graphs and stuff
periodic.zip  94/03/18 (20089) S3A Display the periodic table and other info.
plan.zip      94/11/08 (46930) S3A Project planning application (Shareware).
phonedy2.zip  94/10/27 (4242)  UK Phoneday - update program (Shareware).
powerup.zip   94/09/21 (13002) S3A Play Star Trek tricorder sound on power-up.
ppt.zip       94/10/11 (26014) UK Phoneday Tools from Psion.
proproc.zip   94/09/05 (22912) Project Planner (Shareware).
prtnmb2.zip   94/01/06 (7970)  Handle various maths functions and print graphs.
quickex.zip   94/08/20 (7925)  S3A MONEY add-on to export in Quicken format.
read35a.zip   94/08/23 (50068) S3A Simple offline mail reader for CIX (Shareware).
rime.zip      94/10/17 (12940) Poem Rime of the Ancient Mariner typed out in .wrd.
setfont.zip   94/10/19 (2555)  S3A Change System-Font used in Menu, Dialogs..
scrsave.zip   94/05/16 (1743)  S3A Screen Saver (& battery eater!)
scbank22.zip  94/06/10 (67716) S3/S3A Bank account manager.
spell3a.zip   94/10/24 (6681)  S3A front end for the spell checker and thesaurus (psion).
slid10.zip    94/03/21 (41222) S3A slide-show system with graphics and sounds.
solun25.zip   94/07/15 (50802) S3 Mini-planetarium.
std.zip       94/08/09 (52389) Contains a DBF of the new UK phone codes.
teatime10.zip 94/11/09 (7459)  Multiple countdown timer application with source code.
timtable.zip  94/11/21 (9537)  S3 timetable program.
trace.zip     94/05/13 (9320)  OPL plotting program
triv11.zip    94/08/20 (13629) S3 Trivia filo-fax replacement!
tube20.zip    94/08/22 (8211)  S3A Simple route planner for the London Underground.
virland.zip   94/11/01 (17933) Virtual Landscape - use data from OS maps to see scenes in 3D.
wdr.zip       93/03/30 (44865) Word extension to handle RTF.
wrd2txt.zip   94/08/20 (13594) PC Converts .WRD to .TXT.
wsfcomp.zip   94/08/20 (35735) PC V209 of Psion's font compiler.
wspcx314.zip  94/08/20 (36673) PC V314a of Psion's .PIC/.PCX convertor.